

  上個月回台灣,拿到幾張專輯,原本是很期待的The Big Pink沒拿到,但是也收到了期待很久的British Sea Power還有ROUGH TRADE FOR INDIE這兩張很棒的專輯。就在我在翻閱那疊CD的時,莫名的被那個大大的叉叉給吸引了。就是下面這張,俐落又簡潔的封面,清楚明瞭的傳遞出來他們的團名跟專輯名稱。

  THE XX台灣翻譯為叉叉樂團,專輯名稱沒有意外的就叫做叉叉專輯,真不知道該說貼切還是什麼...與The XX與The Big Pink同樣來自英國,雖然不如The Big Pink那張「A Brief History Of Love」專輯
光(他們拿下2009NME新人獎),但是在聽完「XX」這張後我反而愛這與The Big Pink同出於英國的新樂團。

   THE XX由四個(Romy Madley Croft、Oliver Sim、Jamie Smith、Baria Qureshi)二十出頭,來自倫敦西南的年輕小夥子,組成了一個New Wave樂團,卻唱完全與我印象中New Wave樂團不同的曲調。整張專輯共有11首歌曲,在唱片轉起開頭的《Intro》就讓我驚豔不已,迷濛的吉他和著Bassline沉穩深邃的律動,
那慵懶中帶有蠢蠢欲動的節拍,開頭的旋律就讓我雞皮疙瘩掉滿地,更惶恐而後接踵而來的樂曲等實在是棒透了。整張專輯大部分的歌曲都由男主唱Oliver Sim的呢喃,在佐以外型看起來壯碩,有點龐克暴女感的女主唱Romy Madley Croft。從他的外型中,很難看出他唱出的聲音卻是如此的充滿情感又感性,兩人揉合出一種難以形容的諧調。整張專輯兩人吟唱出一種帶有Post-Punk、Shoegaze及Dubstep的新風格樂章。而官方首張單曲《Crystalised》隨著Bass的碎拍在搭配著男、女主唱讓人有種呼之欲出的情緒,而緊接而來的《Island》 ,就像是一股宣洩。而在倒數第四首《Basic Space》的 R&B的節奏,又是一個峰迴路轉,豐富又動人的曲調與節奏,讓人每一首歌都帶著驚喜與感動,百聽不膩的超優專輯。

The XX的Myspace:

由左至右:Baria Qureshi Jamie Smith Romy Madley Croft Oliver Sim

The XX - Crystalised


You've applied the pressure
To have me crystalised
And you've got the faith
That I could bring paradise

I'll forgive and forget
Before I'm paralysed
Do I have to keep up the pace
To keep you satisfied

Things have gotten closer to the sun
And I've done things in small doses
So don't think that I'm pushing you away
When you're the one that I've kept closest

[ahh ahh ahh] x4

You don't move slow
Taking steps in my directions
The sound resounds, echo
Does it lesson your affection

You say I'm foolish
For pushing this aside
But burn down our home
I won't leave alive

Glacies have melted to the sea
I wish the tide would take me over
I've been down on my knees
And you just keep on getting closer

[ahh ahh ahh] x4

Glacies have melted to the sea (Things have gotten closer to the sun)
I wish the tide would take me over (And I've done things in small doses)
I've been down onto my knees (So don't think that I'm pushing you away)
And you just keep on getting closer (When you're the one that I've kept closest)

Go slow x5


The XX - Stars


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